What are you doing New Year’s Eve?

What are you doing New Year’s Eve?

It’s almost 2016, scholars! Our team in DC has been enjoying some serious R&R…but we know for some, tomorrow is the final party of your 2015!!!! While you’re out celebrating, be safe & keep some of the below in mind: Overindulge on holiday...
Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Happy Friday Scholars! For us here at our HQ in DC, we’re wrapping up our first week back…both refreshing & a little bit exhausting. And while the term ‘New Year’s Resolution’ is met with a wide variety of emotions (from yeah to...


Happy New Year, wonderful scholars! Coming off of a restful holiday, we all had time to reflect on what a whirlwind of a year 2014 was (because when do you REALLY ever have time to do so?). If you follow us on instagram @NSCS, you saw us post this, what we think is...
New Years Resolutions 101

New Years Resolutions 101

It’s that time of year again, when you make those promises that you don’t really intend to keep past February. Some of you may even make it to March but be honest, January is really the only month that will benefit from your New Year’s Resolutions....