Should You Get That Second Job?

“Can I get everything done?” you may think to yourself at one a.m. on a Sunday staring at your laptop screen. Two jobs on top of a class schedule that’s bursting at the seams? It’s a lot to handle, but there can be benefits to a second job....

Résumé 2.0

Whether you have graduated or if you still have some years to go, it is important to constantly update your résumé. However, traditional résumés are becoming just one of the many ways to apply for a job, depending on the position you are looking to acquire!...

Review: Community College Success by Isa Adney

Perusing the shelves of reference and study aid books at Barnes & Noble, between the MCAT and SAT books, there are a select few manuals to help college students. However, the vast majority of them have themes along the lines of: “How to survive living with a...