The Pop Geek Summer Playlist Series: On the Boardwalk

Summer’s on its way out, but that doesn’t mean the beaches are closed! As school and works begins to plague your mind once again, don’t be ashamed to purposely have a summer-fun relapse and head right on back to the beach. So, grab your friends and head to the...

The Pop Geek Summer Playlist Series: Home Sweet Home

Sometimes a summer exploring your very own hometown can be just as fun as taking a vacation. That’s the magic college has- it makes home seem that much sweeter! Sure, it wears off after a while, but take advantage of the freedom, home-cooked meals and temporary life...

The Pop Geek Summer Playlist Series: Indie Rock

Want to dance to the beat of your own drum this summer? Whether you are a hipster or not, mainstream music can get a bit tedious at times. Instead of settling with music that is popular and easy to find, try digging for oddities. Sometimes it is fun to surf the web...