by TalkNerdy2Me | May 18, 2012 | pop geek
We can’t say for certain, but it seems the new HBO series Girls may have had an influence on this week’s Pop Geek playlist. It’s no wonder, with a bit of new found freedom and free-time you’re bound to find new creative outlets. So, this week...
by TalkNerdy2Me | May 18, 2012 | pop geek
We can’t say for certain, but it seems the new HBO series Girls may have had an influence on this week’s Pop Geek playlist. It’s no wonder, with a bit of new found freedom and free-time you’re bound to find new creative outlets. So, this week...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Aug 24, 2011 | CampusGeek, pop geek
Set that alarm and start ordering those textbooks. That’s right; it’s that time of year again. The fall semester is right around the corner! To prepare you for your bittersweet transition from life at home to life on campus, I’ve compiled an eclectic mix of school...