by TalkNerdy2Me | Nov 20, 2015 | Cheat Sheet, Uncategorized
It’s everyone’s favorite day ending in Y-Friday! We can’t speak (or type) for you, but the Thanksgiving holiday seems to have launched upon us by a rocket -fueled turkey…anyone else? So below we have some resources to hopefully make your...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Sep 11, 2015 | CampusGeek, Cheat Sheet
Scholars, you’ve made it through the week (we hope unscathed)! On our end, we’re having a big, crazy, fun time getting your inductions together & Regional Reps on the road to see Y-O-U! So let’s dive into some things that caught our attention...
by Kaia Tack | Feb 7, 2014 | Uncategorized
~ Since the Super Bowl was a tad BORING, follow these 20 Twitter accounts to keep up with the excitement of the Olympics! via Mashable ~ A surprisingly helpful guide to using deadlines to your advantage. Procrastinators unite, thanks Hack College! ~ J.K. Rowling...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Jul 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
• If you’re looking for new summer desserts, College Gloss gives you some delicious fruit recipes. • While we are on the topic of desserts, why not try watermelon ice cream cake? Big Girls Small Kitchen College shows you how with just 4 ingredients. • Go from a...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Jun 14, 2011 | pop geek
As college students cross the threshold from childhood to adulthood, many can’t help but grow nostalgic for those popsicle-stained, recess-laden days of youth where “not a worry or care” rang fabulously true. I, like most of my classmates, am a proud...