10 Tips to Make Working from Home a Success

10 Tips to Make Working from Home a Success

If you and your employer decide that you should start working from home, you will (likely) face unexpected challenges when it comes to adjusting to your new virtual work environment. For example, you might find yourself getting easily distracted from doing work...

Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools used in successful job searches today.  With over 120 million users, it can be used as a sourcing tool for recruiters as well as a networking tool for job seekers.  I recommend creating a LinkedIn profile as early as...

Informational Interviews: Tips for Success

I was working with a client yesterday who has been conducting informational interviews throughout the summer in hopes of finding a job.  Although he hoped he would have a job by now, he readily admitted that he has a much better understanding of his chosen industry as...