We Are Nerds That Strive To Be More & Do More
5 Ways to Stay Healthy at University
With all the activities that occur at college, including studying, classes, meetings, homework, and keeping up with their social lives, college students can find it hard to maintain their health. Their schedules are filled with so many academic activities that it...
4 Ways to Refresh Your Routine
Let’s say you work 40 hours every week… for 50 weeks every year… for 40 years. There you have it— an 80,000 hour career staring you in the face. The hope is that you’re wildly passionate about what you do, but how can the déjà vu of day-in and day-out not drive you...
How to Jump Start Your Career
Many college students begin thinking about post-graduation life during their final year of college, but to fully prepare for the “real world” it’s best to start early. Some people come to college knowing exactly what they’d like to do, while others (like me) face...
Let the Experts Guide You on Your Path to Grad School
Written by: TJ Murphy, PhD Emory University Professor of Pharmacology and Biostatistics Founder, Gradschoolmatch As an honor student, there is a very good chance that you’ll end up in graduate school. If you don’t go right out of college, you’ll take a gap for a...
Try These Apps
Try these apps for all your computer needs. It’s an exciting time in the tech world. Virtual reality is growing, augmented reality is integrated into our apps (looking at you, PokémonGO), and it’s never been easier to share and access information. The app store is...
Freshman Year: Expectations vs. Reality
In what will seem like the blink of an eye, you will suddenly find yourself packing up the past eighteen years of your life to leave for your first year college in a different city. If you're anything like I was, this will result in a nerve-racking mixture of...
5 Steps to Prep for Grad School Applications
As a distinguished undergraduate scholar, your thoughts may turn to wondering what's next for you after you've earned your diploma. If you're considering grad school, here are our tips on how to get your application in tip-top shape. 1. Start early The most...
5 Ways to Live in the Moment
We all have the same goal in mind…SUCCESS!! We want to make money, we want to find love, we want to be able to afford that luxury vacation. We want it all. But sometimes these goals interfere with us living in the moment and enjoying life right now. Here are 5 ways...
So You Got A Passion?
When you're five years old, the possibilities of who you can be and what you can do when you grow up seem absolutely endless. Your passions are expressed through fighting imaginary dragons with tree branch swords, baking mud pies, and building grand forts...and...
TN2M is a blog for you – and what better way to honor that than submitting your own pieces for us to read? If you’d like to contribute, we’d love to see your work. Click here to contribute. Send your ideas or piece & we’ll get back to you ASAP. As always, if you ever see something cool (around your campus or the interwebs!), feel free to send over 🙂