by TalkNerdy2Me | Dec 2, 2013 | pop geek
I love the holidays, but I remember feeling like it wasn’t really holiday time because I had finals practically every day in December. If I just had some holiday reminders in my apartment or dorm room, I think I would have gotten out of my slump! Sometimes Smaller is...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Sep 18, 2013 | CultureGeek, GrownUpGeek, TechGeek
So it’s time to apply for internships or a professional job: Resume, check! Cover letter, check! Social Media… wait, what? As many of you already know, your social media presence is constantly monitored by your parents (if they know how to log in), adoring fans and...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Nov 12, 2012 | CampusGeek
Want to win the NSCS prize pack featured above? All you need to do is read the blog post below and leave a comment! Everyday this week NSCS will feature a blog post addressing a topic related to Identity Theft Prevention. In collaboration with Fellowes, Inc. and the...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Sep 20, 2012 | CampusGeek, GrownUpGeek
This semester, I have a professor that is passionate about students and professionals maintaining intellectual integrity. The first two days of class he brought up some interesting cases of students and professionals plagiarizing. Nowadays, your professor in a matter...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Jul 16, 2012 | CultureGeek
If you are anything like me, you hoard magazines! Whether it’s fashion or business. Now with iPad versions of magazines, you may not need to keep all of these magazines. Here are some great ways to recycle and reuse magazines. Roll It Up You can take your old magazine...