
  • When I entered college, not only did I bring my suitcases, luggage, and clothing for the year, but I brought along heavy baggage from a long-distance relationship. If you are anything like me, maybe it is time to realize that you should “Move on and Follow your Own Dreams” on College Crush.
  • Guess what time it is? Group project time! Everybody I know, including me, hates group projects. Learn the “10 Commandments of Group Projects” on College Candy to better equip yourself in learning how to tame the group project beast!

Kiah's PicKiah Alexandria Clingman is a member of the National Society for Collegiate Scholars and currently works as an NSCS Communications Intern. She is a journalism student at Howard University School of Communications. She currently serves as student vice-president of the School of Communications and aspires to combine her writing and speaking abilities in preparation for a career in entertainment media relations. To contact Kiah, visit her website at or email her at