Calling a Truce With Summer School

Growing up, “summer school” was the most unthinkable, blasphemous oxymoron I could wrap my head around.  Summer was for freedom, not, God forbid, learning. Summer was for melting popcicles and pools and mindless entertainment devoid of any hint of school...
Dream Big, Save Bigger

Dream Big, Save Bigger

College student? Check. Computer or laptop? Check. Free software? …Where? We all love the word “free” – free samples, free apps, free snacks… but what about free software? As college students, we know that education is anything but free. We pay tuition,...

The Pop Geek Summer Playlist Series: Wanderlust

It’s always fun to dream about traveling to exciting, foreign places, and sometimes music can serve as a portal of escapism, even if you aren’t actually going anywhere this summer. Music paints a picture inside the mind, making the intangible something that can be...

5 Tech Tips From the Blogosphere

Over the past few weeks while browsing the blogosphere I’ve come across some interesting (and hopefully helpful!) tech tips for college students. Take a gander… 1. Get together with some classmates and use Google Notes for note taking! Shep McCallister at Hack College...