by TalkNerdy2Me | Feb 7, 2019 | CampusGeek, GrownUpGeek
The good news for finance majors is that the field they have chosen involves each and every sector of society. Every business that exists needs to have their finances in great shape. Many of them need to pay taxes, and all of them need to make sure their bills are...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Apr 21, 2015 | CampusGeek, Cheat Sheet, GrownUpGeek, pop geek, TechGeek
Our friends at SoFi offer incredible student loan options for you, scholars. Originally published post here. If you want to take control of your student loans in 2015, we’ve got 15 easy and impactful ways to do it. 1. Set up automatic payments If you haven’t already...
by TalkNerdy2Me | May 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
Happy Saturday Scholars! It’s been a great week for NSCS-from exciting new programs launching to finally feeling the sunshine (yes, we’re celebrating that big time at our HQ in DC!) of spring. Most exciting, so many of you have been sharing your success...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Sep 18, 2011 | CampusGeek, GrownUpGeek
As a life coach, speaker, and author who specializes in advising 20-somethings, I have seen first-hand the repercussions of being served with a big plate of idealism and only a small side of reality. Now that Gen Y is facing the realities of grown-up life and our...