by TalkNerdy2Me | Jan 26, 2016 | CultureGeek, pop geek
So we’re all aware, today is Tuesday-friendly reminder because if you’ve been privy to Jonas, the cabin fever may have set it (or is 100% there!). In the spirit of getting inspired to kick-butt (decidedly in sweats & from the couch) we offer your...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Aug 26, 2011 | CampusGeek, CultureGeek, pop geek, TechGeek
Not every day do you get paid to be creative! How many times in your life have you had the opportunity to win $10,000 to use your imagination? Through their Imagination Challenge, Adobe is offering up 5 grand prizes of $10,000 each, as well as 36 $550 prizes for...
by TalkNerdy2Me | Jul 27, 2011 | TechGeek
Are you a design major, or just someone who likes to create things? Our friends over at College Info Geek have partnered with Adobe Students and are running a contest to give away a free copy of Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection. This is a $2000 software package and comes...