Work It Out

To avoid the Freshmen 15 (or in my case the Freshmen Bajillion LOL), there are amazing things that you can do to tone up and keep the weight off. Nike Exercise Apps Nike Training Clubgives you different work out routines that can help you lean and tone. You can do...


Today I have a short story for you with some reminders for living a more peaceful life… Last week I was part of a manhunt – and not the kind that the ladies on The Bachelor are on. This was a real manhunt complete with police helicopters, a helmet wearing swat...

Is Striving for Perfection Paralyzing You?

As I sat down to write this blog, I was blank. I tossed around a bunch of ideas and started a few drafts but nothing felt good enough. I started getting frustrated and just wanted to go eat breakfast in hopes of some inspiration (aka procrastinate). What could I write...

Ready, Set, Graduate

One moment I was a lost freshman and the next I was preparing for my senior year. It feels like I blinked and life sped by without a warning. Friends who graduated this year cautioned me, “Take pictures!” “Soak it all in!” “Take advantage of being in college!”...

Make Your Past Your Past

Do you invest a lot of energy looking backwards? Has your past become the protagonist in the story of your life? Perhaps it is time to turn around and look at what is in front of you instead of belaboring over what is behind you. Many of us excel at “shoulda, couda,...