We Are Nerds That Strive To Be More & Do More
8 Tips for Better Goal Setting
Many people set a goal with the best of intentions, but find themselves unable to follow through. Well thought out goals that are specific, with clear time frames, accountability, and good organization are much more likely to be completed. The following tips will...
Congratulations to Our 2019 Board of Directors Award Recipients
NSCS' Board of Directors has created and funded the Board of Directors Award to recognize outstanding NSCS members who have distinguished themselves through their involvement, enthusiasm, and support for the organization. We are excited to announce our...
How to Feel Less Nervous When Public Speaking
Public speaking can be scary. Whether you're a student presenting in front of your class or a well-established professional sharing your experience with others, speaking in front of other people can be a nerve-racking experience. Luckily, there are several things...
How to Write a Stellar Cover Letter
Your cover letter is the first step to making a great first impression on hiring managers. Get this step right, and you could be heading towards an interview for your dream job. Here are eight tips to writing a great cover letter that separates you from the...
Why Volunteering Gives You a Major Boost
In this day and age, it's not always easy to build solid social network or land a great job. Volunteering can be a great stepping stone in the pursuit of your next step. Here are some reasons we think volunteering is a great way to kick start your career. Doing...
My Life Changing Experience Attending Semester At Sea
Every year, Semester at Sea offers 90,000 dollars in scholarships to NSCS members for their fall and spring voyages. One of our fall semester recipients, Jessie Lessin, writes about her experience on the Fall 2018 voyage. Semester at Sea - Life Changing, Humbling,...
7 Tips to Help You Write a Better Resume
It may seem as if a regular resume is no longer relevant in a time of social media and LinkedIn, but it isn't true. Your digital presence or a page on LinkedIn won't replace your resume, which is still one of the most important parts of any job hunt. Here are tips...
5 Steps To Creating A Great LinkedIn Profile
First impressions are crucial when it comes to your professional reputation, and your LinkedIn profile is increasingly becoming a key part of making that impression. In today's digital world, people share the same habit of Googling people they haven't met, or those...
5 Tips To Help You Decide Where To Study Abroad
Studying abroad is an extremely beneficial experience. In today's globalized world, the ability to effectively communicate with people from different countries and cultures is essential, and is one reason why many employers and graduate schools love to see...
TN2M is a blog for you – and what better way to honor that than submitting your own pieces for us to read? If you’d like to contribute, we’d love to see your work. Click here to contribute. Send your ideas or piece & we’ll get back to you ASAP. As always, if you ever see something cool (around your campus or the interwebs!), feel free to send over 🙂