We Are Nerds That Strive To Be More & Do More
How to Copyedit Your Writing
Always copyedit what you have written. In other words, check it through. After all, you want to avoid misunderstandings and errors. But what do you need to look for when you copyedit your work? The following advice shows you. Spelling Use the spell checker that...
Why Intentions Are Important and How to Create Them
You might have heard it's vital to create intentions, but not bothered to do so. After all, you create aims every day anyhow, don't you? The truth, though, is most people don't pay much attention toward goals or choose what they want, and they find themselves...
Be Smart, Study Smarter: 8 Tips for Better Studying
Studying is an essential part of school and university life, and you don't want to waste time using ineffective study methods. Make exam season easier by using study tips that will ensure that you take in all the information, understand it, and remember it in...
Five Advantages of Going Back to School as a Nontraditional Student
When college students are brought up, most people envision young men and women between the ages of 18 and 22 who entered college fresh out of high school. Despite this stereotype, the truth is that modern colleges and universities have an increasing number of...
Why You Should Have FOMO When It Comes To Honors Societies
Finding time for everything you want – and need – to do once a semester gets in full swing can be a serious challenge. Beyond schoolwork (the obvious), it can feel impossible to fit in fun with friends, workouts, a healthy meal occasionally, on-campus activities,...
10 Study Tips When You Work Third Shift
Combining school and work is hard enough for most people, but when you work third shift or other unusual schedules, it can be even worse. Shift workers often experience reduced sleep, which can interfere with cognitive ability and learning, and may also have...
Reasons You Should Study Abroad in College
It seems that more and more people are studying abroad while in college. What used to be a relatively obscure idea is now somewhat mainstream. Studying abroad is an incredible experience that is fun but also has many educational and professional benefits. 1....
Smart Students Are Asking: “Are College Honor Societies a Scam?” Here are Five Legit Reasons to Join One
It’s a sad truth; the world is filled with scams and scam artists. We’re bombarded with emails and phone calls that begin, “Congratulations! You’ve been selected for [fill in the blank].” Hopefully, you’ve been schooled from an early age to be skeptical of...
How To Win A Fulbright Scholarship
Applying for a Fulbright scholarship is like running a marathon... competitive, long and winding--possibly a bit less sweaty--but rewarding whatever the outcome. If you succeed and win a Fulbright scholarship, you can count yourself among storied company:...
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