How to Workout Without Leaving Your Dorm Room

When the sun is shining and the weather is warm, it’s easy to gather some friends to head outside for a jog, stroll, or bike ride. Desirable conditions make it easier to simply head to the gym, since leaving your home or apartment isn’t such a chore. Of...

Quick Tips: How to Green Your Dorm

The way we treat the planet matters. Any way you slice it, the health of the earth has a much bigger impact on us then we think about on a daily basis. The earth, the seasons, the environment effects us in profound ways. Ways we don’t fully understand. That’s why...

How to Eat a Healthy AND Cheap Diet On-the-Go

Food is what keeps us going! Though it is incredibly hard to get a bite to eat when running from point A to point B, it’s important that your diet is balanced and nutritional. It’s a well-known fact that if you eat a balanced diet, you will reap the benefits....