Have you ever been curious about the experience of transferring schools? Katina Buchanan, a 4-year college student at Kaplan University studying for her Bachelor’s of Social Sciences in Business Administration, shares her thoughts on the matter.
“There’s nothing in the world that can be more stressful than having to make a decision where the choice is entirely on you, where there is no right or wrong answer.
One such decision is whether to pack up and transfer to a new school. It can be difficult to know if you’re doing the right thing; many students are overwhelmed with pressures and anxieties, never mind fears of becoming a transfer student. Getting a good routine up and running can be hard to reckon with, along with your university course studies. But you need to succeed in the transition to accomplish your overall university goals. That is a commitment to completion. So if you’ll be happy and steady somewhere else, don’t be afraid to accept the challenge of relocating.
If you need change, you can utilize the opportunity to transfer; it’s available to make your university experience successful. Another institution may be more appealing, and you may not be filled with academic bliss where you currently are.”
NSCS also has some helpful tips to consider if you are (or someone you know is) exploring transferring:
Establish a transfer timeline so that you give yourself enough time for each part of the process. You’ll want to meet with your advisor, explore your interests, prioritize good grades, and research schools to begin with. Then you can narrow your choices and get into the nitty-gritty parts of the process: making sure your credits transfer, planning campus visits, and gathering application materials.
Make sure to ask yourself questions about your goals as a student and beyond, figuring out if each school and program is the right fit for you and your needs. Each student and each school is different, so you’ll need to determine your priorities (academic, lifestyle, financial) as part of this process.
You can find a couple example transfer checklists here and here to get you started. Be sure to adjust according to your own needs and interests. Best of luck wherever your studies take you!