
With a week-yes, 7 days-until ScholarCon, we are thrilled to announce our app IS LIVE! Track your schedule, connect with attendees, give us feedback on what you’re seeing, get up-to-the-minute updates on what’s going on…could this app get any better? Oh, yes scholars, it can! By downloading the app & using all it’s awesome powers to help you navigate ScholarCon, you earn points! Points = great prizes! Ah, the app of our dreams is finally here.



We truly love nothing more than talking to our NSCS members. And seeing your hard work, service, general amazing work in action? The ultimate. Here is a little Facebook message we received from our UDC chapter:

Our first community service event! Led by President Kenja Ford, we supported the breakfast shift for SOME (So others might eat) at [community center address] this morning. SOME provide three meals a day, 365 days a year to people in need. They also provide free medical and dental as well as employment training. It’s a great organization and volunteering there is pretty simple. Please look out for our next group service opportunity or just just go to some.org, create an account, and schedule yourself when it’s convenient for you. They’ll be glad to have you!!


jsIntegrity. Our focus for this week’s S2 Challenge, but a pillar we hold true in everything we do here at NSCS. Join us for an integrity talk on Facebook, scholars.