
  • Love volunteering but can’t always justify being paid in “warm and fuzzies”? There’s an app for that! Earn points by logging your community service hours with, which can then be redeemed for discounts and freebies!
  • Another mobile-app-for-a-cause is the new 2013 Movember app, tracking the progress of men’s facial hair and raising money for cancer research.
  • Volunteering abroad is a great way to get cultural experience while giving back to the community. Check out the Daily Muse’s tips on how to find and prepare for a volunteer project abroad Volunteering 101: How to Find and Prepare for a Project Abroad
  • Finding leadership skills to put on your resume can be difficult, but your volunteer experiences are just as impressive! Here are some ways to volunteer and build leadership at the same time via College Cures  
  • College has a plethora of volunteer and service opportunities, but those habits are hard to continue once you graduate. USA Today has four ways to make time to volunteer post-grad to keep those service muscles in shape! 4 Ways to Make Time to Volunteer Post-Grad  

prof pic 3Ava Taylor is a recent graduate from the George Washington University Class of 2013 with a degree in Communication. She’s currently the Coordinator of Marketing Communications for the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and a NHL blogger for To contact Ava, email