- I’m sure you are starting to hear back from summer internships for which you recently applied and if not, you will be hearing back soon. NSCS Partner HigherNext has “The Best Internship Advice for College Students” that will prepare you for before, during, and after your dream internship.
- Service is one of the best aspects of NSCS. But, we also encourage students to study abroad in different countries to experience new cultures. Combine the two and you get what College News likes to call “International Volunteering“.
- Whether you are enrolled in an online college or decided to take online courses next semester, it is important to know that these classes can be difficult to handle. Luckily, Surviving College gives you the”Best Tech for Increasing Productivity” in those hard online classes!
- Michael Dorsey, who was a contestant on The Biggest Loser and also an alumnus of NSCS, will be speaking at Summit this year. I hope you have registered! Check out NSCS‘ most “Distinguished Members” to see some of our wonderful alumni.
- Leadership is a quality that all of us should exemplify. There are many ways to get involved with NSCS to enhance those skills. Whether it is Alumni Board, National Leadership Council, or becoming an officer in your chapter, NSCS has it all here.
Kiah Alexandria Clingman is a member of the National Society for Collegiate Scholars and currently works as an NSCS Communications Intern. She is a journalism student at Howard University School of Communications. She currently serves as student vice-president of the School of Communications and aspires to combine her writing and speaking abilities in preparation for a career in entertainment media relations. To contact Kiah, visit her website at www.kiahclingman.com or email her at clingman@nscs.org.