
  • It is finally the end of the semester and I know this is the time we are all scrambling to get in last minute grades. Hopefully you have established a good relationship with your professor because during this time of the year “Professors Are Not Your Friends” and Surviving College will tell you the reasons why.
  • Memorial Day is on its way and you know what that means! Pool parties, hot weather, and of course BBQ’s! Check out these “Must-have Tips of BBQ Season” from College Magazine so you can be prepared to flip those burgers!
  •  Technology has definitely changed the perception of society especially when it comes to interviews. You may just have your next internship or job interview via Skype! Here are some “Steps to Success on a Skype Interview” that the Intern Queen gives us so we won’t make any silly mistakes.

Kiah's PicKiah Alexandria Clingman is a member of the National Society for Collegiate Scholars and currently works as an NSCS Communications Intern. She is a journalism student at Howard University School of Communications. She currently serves as student vice-president of the School of Communications and aspires to combine her writing and speaking abilities in preparation for a career in entertainment media relations. To contact Kiah, visit her website at or email her at