Five Ways to Help You Ace Your Midterms

1. Study Effectively With a Friend: Notice I said a friend, as in one person. Studying with a big group can be more distracting than helpful. If you have just one solid person to bounce ideas off of and fill in the gaps of each other’s notes, you should get through...

The Study Buddy Challenge

‘Where to’ and ‘how to’ study are questions every student faces throughout both high school and college.  Some students prefer coffee-shops with soft music playing, and others prefer the quiet zones in the library.  Some prefer repetitive studying, and others prefer...

Avoiding the Social Sophomore Slump

If you are returning for a second year of college, then chances are you enjoyed your first year.  But did you enjoy it so much that you would want to repeat it? I didn’t think so. When returning to school for your sophomore year, it can be easy to slip into the same...

Time Management: Tips For Healthy College Living

Classes, study time, meal time, social time, it seems like the day does not have enough hours for it all! Time management is one of the most important aspects of making it through college and sustaining good grades. Sometimes it seems impossible to complete this...