Cover Letters: Tips for Success

In my recruiting experience, I rarely read a cover letter.  I just didn’t have the time. With that said, most recruiters and hiring managers DO read cover letters and they can make the difference between landing an interview or a trip to the circular file. Here are...

Move In Like a Rock Star

As much as I’d like to think I have it down perfectly by now, moving in to a college dorm is a tricky process whether you’re a senior or a sophomore. Freshmen, however, have enough on their plates at this time. From the end of orientation to the first day of class,...

The Pop Geek Summer Playlist Series: Back to School

As much as you deny and ignore it, school is almost back in session. Suddenly, the grocery stores have massive amounts of school supplies for sale, people are driving down freeways with mattresses strapped to their car roofs, and bookstores are beginning to fill with...

Avoiding the Social Sophomore Slump

If you are returning for a second year of college, then chances are you enjoyed your first year.  But did you enjoy it so much that you would want to repeat it? I didn’t think so. When returning to school for your sophomore year, it can be easy to slip into the same...