Slow Cooker Challenge

I’m not exaggerating when I say slow cookers are at the top of my list of favorite things.  As a former busy college student on a budget and as a new nurse with little time to slave over a hot stove, I have found a slow cooker to be a life saver. They’re extremely...

Modeling Your Education

It can be hard to stay on track in college, but it helps if you have a plan going in. The most effective plan is to model your education before you’re in college, much like a company models a rapid prototype before sending a product to market. Doing this sort of...

Apartment Hunting Tips for College Students

It could be freshman year, sophomore year or even the upperclassman years but there comes a time when the stress of finding an apartment will begin. Every college town is different when it comes to apartment hunting but the main rules I learned could help students get...