There is no better synonym for self-sabotage than procrastination. We are completely aware of our goals and priorities, and yet we still consciously give in to the temptations of updating our Facebook status when we should instead be burying our noses in books. We already know that our delay will do us no good, and yet we continue to punish ourselves by allotting too little time for work, and too much time for play. Eradicate this poor habit! Ultimately, we must forgive ourselves for our imperfections, do whatever needs to be done, and learn how to accept and appreciate the outcome.

First, whatever needs to be done, just DO IT! We may come up with a million excuses, but avoiding our duties does not eliminate any of them from our to-do lists. As stated by H. Jackson Brown, Jr., “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” If Einstein was able to accomplish as much as he did while still being human (I must admit—he is more of a superhero, if not an action star, in my head), then I believe that I, too, can contribute something to this world. Okay, I’m kidding; I know I won’t get as far as Einstein has, but it always helps to have something to keep myself motivated!

Lastly, we must learn how to appreciate the results of our hard work, regardless of how minuscule or terrible they may be. The real world offers no pause button, so if we fail, we must simply think about what we did wrong, and then keep moving forward. Flaws will not define who we are; it is what we do to try to eradicate or improve our imperfections that will turn us into the better people we seek to be. I recall what Mary Ann Perez, Key Note Speaker for our chapter’s induction ceremony last September 28, said during her speech: “the state of life you were born with does not determine who you are capable of becoming.”

In order to overcome the urge to procrastinate, we must learn how to accept that there is no such thing as perfection, and whatever is closest to perfection is bound to take time. We may say that we have many things to do, but the lousiest excuse is to say that we lack time. We do not receive our grades from our professors; we EARN the grades we make. In truth, we have all the time to do what needs to be done; some are just better at managing their priorities than the rest of us.

Kendra Minoza is currently a sophomore at Houston Community College, taking biology as a pre-pharmacy major. Additionally, she is the NSCS chapter secretary at HCC. Kendra enjoys writing, public speaking, reading, drawing, and charcoal painting. Her love for tea and lack of “normal” hobbies (such as watching TV) has made people believe that she is “an old lady in disguise.”