After a long, energizing, 17-day excursion, these NSCS members are back and better than ever! Participating in the Ultimate Med Internship allowed these college students to take a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and return with an experience unmatched. These special NSCS members had a great time gaining hands-on experience in real-life gross anatomy labs, attending operating and medical treatment rooms, in addition to observing human autopsies. These students gained knowledge about the medical field, usually unavailable to those in high school, now have a competitive advantage when pursuing medical school and future careers. Check out some of the highlights of their trip in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India!

The group sporting some large smiles upon arriving in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India!

These NSCS students immersed themselves in the Indian culture, receiving henna tattoos.

A group photo of UMI participants outside of the Department of Community Medicine (PSM) Government Medical College (Surat).

Workers at the Department of Community Medicine (PSM) Government Medical College (Surat) preparing flowers to distribute to the NSCS members who participated in UMI and provided assistance at their center.

A girl being awarded with a flower token for her efforts during UMI.

An awesome close up of the beautiful flowers given to UMI scholars.

Finally, a group shot of UMI participants and the Department of Community Medicine (PSM) Government Medical College (Surat) workers holding up their flowers commemorating an unforgettable 17 days!
Are you interested in applying for Ultimate Med Internship’s summer cohort? Find out more here.