So, maybe you did not do as well as you had anticipated this fall semester. Maybe you fell one “A” short of a 4.0 GPA. It could have been that you were in a really difficult course with a tough professor. Nonetheless, this should not dissuade you from reviving your high GPA.

Here are my tips to get you back on track to a high GPA:

  1. Go into the Spring Semester with a positive attitude!
    If you believe in yourself, you will be a lot more motivated to put in all of your effort.
  2. Read the syllabus and write down relevant dates
    If your calendar constantly reminds you that an essay due date is approaching, you will be more driven to begin the essay early.
  3. Do not wait until the night before to complete assignments or to study for exams
    Professors can tell if you were running on coffee to finish an essay or prepare for an exam.
  4. Keep up with the readings & take notes
    Even if your professor does not review assigned readings, they will likely show up on exams in the future. Keeping notes helps you easily recall and reflect on what you have read earlier in the semester. This makes it easier to remember information when it comes time for an exam.
  5. Take notes in class
    If a professor is lecturing, it’s a good idea to take notes on key points that will help you remember the topics that were discussed.
  6. Save everything; stay organized
    Buy folders or an accordion folder AND label them! Use these folders for all papers relating to the course so that you can easily find them when it comes time to study.
  7. Do not let a poor mark discourage you
    Let this be your inspiration in the course to do better. Do not allow yourself to get a grade lower than this mark.
  8. Meet with the Professor outside of class
    If you did poorly on an assignment or are confused on a topic, meet with the professor to get clarification. This will help you advance in the course.
  9. Become friends with someone else in the course
    If you have to miss a class or have missed something mentioned in class, it is great to have a friend who can provide you with what you have missed.
  10. Use your resources
    If you are struggling, talk to a tutor, someone who has taken the course, or an advisor who can guide you to find resources that will assist you in overcoming your difficulty.

Make your New Year’s Resolution to get straight “A”s, because you definitely can!

Sabrina PictureSabrina Santamaria is an aspiring lawyer with a passion for writing. She is currently studying Political Science at Ramapo College of New Jersey, where she is the Treasurer for The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Feel free to contact her at