We know our NSCS Members are not just NSCS members. Our scholars are part of the student body government, they volunteer in hospitals, tutor classmates, play on sports team and so much more. And that’s why it’s extra important to us to recognize our stellar NSCS chapters. The Platinum Star Status was created just for that. This year, ten NSCS chapter were awarded the distinguished honor of Platinum Star Status. This means the chapter went above and beyond to create an engaging, lively and educational experience for their NSCS members throughout the entire school year. To top it off, these ten schools submitted creative, cool, and downright-beautiful Platinum applications.
Platinum Star Status is incredibly difficult to achieve. From University of California, San Diego and Baylor University, who received Platinum for the first time this year, to The University of Arizona who has now received Platinum for 4th year, every application comes with challenges, hard work and determination! The National Office is proud to present the ten recipients of the 2015-2016 Platinum Star Status:
- University of California, Irvine
- University of California, San Diego
- University of California, Merced
- University of California, Riverside
- University of Michigan
- Winona State University
- Baylor University
- The University of Arizona
- University of Houston
- Stony Brook University