Summer Reading

Summer is a time to relax and forget about schoolwork.  But we don’t want our minds turning to mush.  To prevent this, I plan on reading all the books that I don’t have time to read during the semester.  Reading is a nice way to enjoy relaxing but also sharpen your...

Bringing Back the Girl

Summer in Manhattan is a topic in itself. Mixed in somewhere between shaved ice on the street, tourists in white sneakers and overpriced I heart NY shirts are young women putting the feminine back in feminism. This past winter brought in a blast from the nineties with...

Climate Change Meets College Campuses

Climate change is currently one of the biggest threats to the health and well-being of the planet. According to evidence published by the CDC, EPA and other scientific agencies, we are experiencing a rise in global temperature that can be attributed to increasing...

NSCS Summit Partner Session Recap

This year’s National Leadership Summit was better than ever in part thanks to our NSCS partners, who not only sponsored much of the conference, but provided workshops and informational sessions. If you’re interested in following up with these spectacular...