Cheat Sheet for 3.3

Cheat Sheet for 3.3

College… Summed up in 16 memes Who knew that memes from the internet could be so SPOT ON?!? Oh yeah… everyone. Facial time! (Guys can join in too) Every once in a while, it helps to have a good self-care day… starting with these facials! Not your average spring break...
Cheat Sheet for 2.24

Cheat Sheet for 2.24

Spring already? The weather is starting to feel like spring, so why not partake in some spring fun? Addicted to online shopping? Well who isn’t! But here are some great deals to help you save a little money on your shopping binge. And the award goes to… Rihanna was...
Cheat Sheet for 2.3

Cheat Sheet for 2.3

Hold the press, BEYONCE IS PREGANT! With twins! On Wednesday, Queen Bey announced her pregnancy via Instagram. She and Jay-Z will be welcoming two new bundles of joy into the world. Need help recovering from the weekend binge eating? This article will give you some...
Cheat Sheet for 1.27

Cheat Sheet for 1.27

Don’t forget the popcorn! Who knew that your movie choices could actually reveal a lot about your personality? Take this quiz to find out your personality type based on your movie choices! Oh no! What’s next? Career preparation starts Freshman year… who knew? Here are...
Cheat Sheet for 11.4

Cheat Sheet for 11.4

Happy Friday Scholars! Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday! Spring Forward and Fall Back Ever wondered why we use daylight savings? Here’s an article that explains it all. Stay on your Path Thinking of transferring from a community...
Cheat Sheet for 10.28

Cheat Sheet for 10.28

Lasting Impressions Just finished your internship? Take a look at these ideas on how to leave a good impression. Don’t break over winter break Going home for winter break? Take a look at these survival tips! Small Steps If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed...