How to Make Money: 25 Legitimate Side Hustles
NSCS is proud to provide you with helpful content from one of our awesome partners Nerdwallet. So you’re trying to figure out how to make money outside of your day job, but you’re not sure what to do. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. NerdWallet rounded up 25...
Scholar of the Week: Inelyz Viruet
Meet our NSCS Scholar of the Week, Inelyz Viruet! Inelyz is a student at Southern New Hampshire University- Online where she majors in criminology. As a member of NSCS, Inelyz’s favorite experience has been the NSCS’s help in her educational career as an online...
5 Things I Learned During My First Year In College
My first year of college was probably the most rewarding first year of my schooling career. The first year in grade school felt like a day long play date. Everyone was friends. When entering middle school and high school I had the same people by my side. Sure,...
11 Most Efficient Online Tools to Help You Boost Your Writing
As we all know, writing can be quite an interesting job. However, the process of writing itself can often be somewhat torturous, mostly because a good writer is creative person struggling with thoughts and emotions. Finalizing your piece of writing is not the end...
5 Apps You Need in Your College Life
We live in an amazing time. It feels like every day brings new innovation in the world of technology that will influence and change our lives. That cannot be truer than when it comes to applications for your laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. No matter your...
Increasing Your Odds of Career Success
Very few successful businesspeople, politicians, or leaders will be direct enough to say, “I am really good at meeting people and leveraging my very large network.” They worry that by revealing the deep network they frequently tap into, others will think they have...
5 Tips For Community College Students Transferring to Four-Year Institutions
Leaving your community college to transfer to a four-year institution is a big step in every community college student’s life. Therefore, it is important to plan everything ahead. Transferring is a long process that requires a lot of research, patience, and...
Tips for Boosting Your Chapter’s Social Media Presence
I was sitting in a class called Organization and Supervision of Child Care Centers, and it hit me: when you start a new company, there needs to be a plan on how to inform others about what you stand for and what you do. Essentially, you need to know how you will...
5 Ways to Stay Healthy at University
With all the activities that occur at college, including studying, classes, meetings, homework, and keeping up with their social lives, college students can find it hard to maintain their health. Their schedules are filled with so many academic activities that it...
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