Happy #Friyay Scholars! We hope you’ve had a great week so far. Here are some of the things that we’ve found interesting this week.
iHola! Bonjour! Ni Hao!
Thinking of learning another language? Find out why that might be a life-saver for people with aphasia!
Dear Airbnb, you’re awesome.
Airbnb is using their site as a platform to help natural disaster victims and it has restored everyone’s faith in humanity.
Retirement may be closer than you thought!
Looking forward to an early retirement? Learn how this couple made it possible to retire in their 40’s.
Email Etiquette 101
Anyone hunting for a job or internship this semester should brush up on their email etiquette with these helpful reminders!
Movin’ on up!
The difference between staying where you are and taking that promotion may be in these simple workplace rules.
We support our military by connecting with our service members through the USO. We’re partnering with the USO to send messages of appreciation and support to our men and women in uniform. Join us: www.uso.org/connects .