We take over 1 million selfies every day! Despite this incredible number, we still can’t capture all of the moments in our lives. The best photographers don’t miss a great photo op, and you shouldn’t either. See more crazy facts about selfies here.
Maybe your goal is to get back in shape, maybe it’s to prepare for graduate school, or maybe it’s to test a startup idea you have. Whatever it is, get your camera in focus and capture the opportunity!
Shortly after graduate school, I co-founded Gradschoolmatch.com, which helps students connect with over 40,000 graduate programs each year. Several years ago, I debated whether I would take the plunge and jump right in to entrepreneurship or just dabble in it. It was important to jump right in because I may have missed an opportunity to connect with and help students find great graduate programs.
We can make goals within minutes, but it often takes months or years to accomplish them. Since we don’t walk around looking through the viewfinder of our cameras, we have to be ready when an opportunity arises.
I can say that I’ve never learned more from being an entrepreneur. Just like taking a great picture, it takes vision, focus, and great timing. Had I not been ready to capture the opportunity, I would’ve missed it.
One of my three goals this fall is to connect with more students. If you have questions about graduate school, Gradschoolmatch.com, or entrepreneurship, email Brian directly at brian@gradschoolmatch.com.