What To Do When You Start Making Real Money
Dear Christine, I just graduated from college and I'm making decent money. The problem is that I have no idea what to do with my money. I hear everyone talking about real estate or investing, but I'm lost. I don't even know where to start. Right now, my money is...
Resume Do’s and Don’ts for Aspiring Writers (or anyone)
College teaches people how to hone skills in everything from biochemistry to philosophy, all in an effort to prepare them for the workforce. But sometimes, the hardest part comes when students have to compile these skills into a sometimes-crucial document for...
The ONLY 3 Reasons to go to Grad School
It’s that time of year. College graduation is up on us. Many seniors are frantically trying to complete all requirements for graduation and many are wondering what to do about the bleak job market. One very common strategy is to attend graduate school. After...
How To Deal With Friends With Money
Dear Christine, "My core group of friends from college make a lot more money then I do. They all dove right into their careers right after college whereas I have been more of a floater trying to figure out what I really love. They do a lot of things I cannot afford...
Keeping Organized Online: MySchoolNotebook.com
So…how long until we can share class notes over Facebook? Just kidding, someone’s already thought of it. That someone is 18-year-old Jakub Roz, a high school student in Prague. He is the founder of MySchoolNotebook.com, the Czech version of which was founded in...
Learning from the Universum Ideal Employer Survey
Over 400,000 people across the world take the Universum Ideal Employer Survey to help with their career development and career goals. This survey offers insight into what you gauge as diversity in a workplace and how you as a diverse person can add to a workplace....
The Successful Person: Top 10 Ways for Reaching ‘SUCCESS’ Part III
This is the last post of my Top 10 Ways for Reaching ‘SUCCESS’ series. Please check out the first and second articles if you have not done so already. If you have already read Part I and Part II, please continue on to the two MOST IMPORTANT tips for reaching...
Cutting the Financial Cord
Dear Christine, I have a job and my own place, but I'm still pretty financially dependent on my parents. My mother especially makes sure that I get to live this great lifestyle in the big city. Thing is, I'm not at all sure my parents can actually afford to keep...
Master Planning: Mapping Out Your Future
While many think back fondly upon college as a time of freedom and fun, the purpose of this time in an individual’s life isn’t to engage in four years of leisure, but instead to create a solid foundation upon which to build a stable future. Though college is...
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