A Guide to Speaking Up in Class

A Guide to Speaking Up in Class

Even if you're usually a confident person, speaking up in class can be a bit daunting. If you're a naturally quiet person, it's terrifying. However, it's important not to let fear hold you back from getting the most out of your classes... after all, you're paying...

How to Copyedit Your Writing

How to Copyedit Your Writing

Always copyedit what you have written. In other words, check it through. After all, you want to avoid misunderstandings and errors. But what do you need to look for when you copyedit your work? The following advice shows you. Spelling Use the spell checker that...

How To Win A Fulbright Scholarship

How To Win A Fulbright Scholarship

Applying for a Fulbright scholarship is like running a marathon... competitive, long and winding--possibly a bit less sweaty--but rewarding whatever the outcome. If you succeed and win a Fulbright scholarship, you can count yourself among storied company:...

8 Study Hacks to Succeed in College

8 Study Hacks to Succeed in College

The second half of the semester is kicking in which means stress levels from exams and papers are building up as well. With so much to read, review and memorize, it can be difficult to determine where to even begin! Well, first take a deep breath… studying for your...

6 Steps to Increased Productivity

6 Steps to Increased Productivity

Do you ever go to sleep each night wishing you had done more than lounge around in your PJs all day? That's not an uncommon feeling, but there's a lot you can do to change the way you feel about your accomplishments at the end of the day. Here are six ways you can...



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