Informational Interviews: Tips for Success

I was working with a client yesterday who has been conducting informational interviews throughout the summer in hopes of finding a job.  Although he hoped he would have a job by now, he readily admitted that he has a much better understanding of his chosen industry as...

Food for Thought

As I eat the brownie crumbs off of my fingers, I am the last person who should be preaching about eating healthily. However, with the arrival of the fall semester, living a healthy, eco friendly lifestyle on a campus with a Starbucks on every corner and never ending...

The Path to Sisterhood

With all the stereotypes that surround Greek Life, the stereotype that all Greek organizations haze is one of the most prominent. Hazing can be defined as forcing someone to do something degrading, dangerous, or rigorous, which can cause both physical and...

Do I Really Need a Mentor?

According to, a mentor is defined in a couple of ways. A mentor is a “wise and trusted counselor or teacher” and “an influential senior sponsor or supporter”.  It isn’t uncommon for employees within an organization to not have a mentor; however, having...