Roommates: Good vs. Bad

Roommates: Good vs. Bad

The room is divided: one person on the left side and one person on the right side. No one talks except for casual conversation. There is a tension in the air that anyone could see a mile away. Now, skip to the next year: music is blasting and sounds of laughter fill...

4 Tips for Being a GOOD Dorm Neighbor

While you are in college you have some control over who you live with, but unfortunately you can’t control who lives around you. Whether you live in a dorm or an apartment complex, neighbors can often times become the best or sometimes the worst thing that ever...

Curbing the Freshman 15 Without Diet or Exercise

You’ve all heard of it, dreaded it, and probably been told that it will ‘round out’ your college experience. Upperclassmen swear that weight gain is unavoidable as the typical freshman watches the scale climb from 5, 10, 15, topping 50 pounds over their starting...

Move In Like a Rock Star

As much as I’d like to think I have it down perfectly by now, moving in to a college dorm is a tricky process whether you’re a senior or a sophomore. Freshmen, however, have enough on their plates at this time. From the end of orientation to the first day of class,...