13.1 or Bust: Half Marathon Training Part I

I clicked submit and there was no turning back—I had officially registered to run my first half-marathon!  Now, don’t get the wrong idea.  I am by no means a super-fit athlete or endurance sport junkie.  And I’m not crazy either!  Completing a half-marathon has been a...

Find Your Job Fit in 2013!

Congratulations on your graduation and next adventure. Late nights at the library and 3am pizza delivery may be over (for some), and now it’s time to enter the workforce and join three other generations around the water cooler. For those who are still job seeking, I’d...

Dressing for Rain

I think rain is the most frustrating weather to dress for because your choices are very limited.  Since I go to school in Oregon I run into raindrops on the daily. I’ve learned that the three essential items you need for rainy days are rain boots, rain coats, and...